ISA Blog - Information you can use

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  • Choosing Asking Prices for Replacement Costs Choosing Asking Prices for Replacement Costs Monday, November 16, 2020 in Ask an Instructor

    Question: A fine art print from the same print edition can often be found in multiple retail galleries with a range of different asking prices. How do I choose which asking price to use for replacement cost? Does the condition of the client’s print play a role in the selection of the comparable?

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  • Ethics in Review Ethics in Review Tuesday, October 13, 2020 in News, Education

    Reviewing some basic ethics points is always a good idea. For instance, did you know that ISA recently updated its Ethics Code and Ethics Disciplinary Procedures? Do you know what type of behavior ISA regulates (and does not regulate)? What are some of the most common ethics complaints and missteps?  

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  • Ask an Instructor: Limitations on Charitable Contribution Appraisals and on Art Donations Ask an Instructor: Limitations on Charitable Contribution Appraisals and on Art Donations Tuesday, October 13, 2020 in Ask an Instructor

    Question 1: I understand that the effective date for a non-cash charitable contribution appraisal is the date of donation and that an appraisal cannot be done any earlier than 60 days prior to donation, but is there a limit to when an appraisal can be done after the donation?

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  • Coping with Bats Coping with Bats Friday, September 11, 2020 in News, Education

    Apart from the colorful depictions of coronavirus particles, with their round bodies studded with barbs, we lack any eye-catching symbols, much less positive designs which boost our spirits, to represent this endless, depressing, time. This is where bats come in.

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  • Ask an Instructor: Tailoring Appraisals to the Marketplace Ask an Instructor: Tailoring Appraisals to the Marketplace Friday, September 11, 2020 in Ask an Instructor

    ISA members are invited to send in their questions on all things appraising and education to ISA's instructors. One of ISA's instructors will share answers on the ISA Blog. Please send questions to

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  • Ask an Instructor: The Difference Between Actual Cash Value and Marketable Cash Value Ask an Instructor: The Difference Between Actual Cash Value and Marketable Cash Value Thursday, August 20, 2020 in Ask an Instructor

    ISA members are invited to send in their questions on all things appraising and education to ISA's instructors. One of ISA's instructors will share answers on the ISA Blog. Please send questions to

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  • Do Assignment Conditions Constitute a Limiting Condition? Do Assignment Conditions Constitute a Limiting Condition? Thursday, August 20, 2020 in Education

    The short answer is no. To better understand the question, let’s take a look at the 2020-2021 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) definition of assignment conditions. USPAP defines Assignment Conditions as, "Assumptions, extraordinary assumptions, hypothetical conditions, laws and regulations, jurisdictional exceptions, and other conditions that affect the scope of work."

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  • Practical Applications For Value-In-Use And Value-In-Place Practical Applications For Value-In-Use And Value-In-Place Thursday, July 16, 2020 in Education

    When is it appropriate to use value-in-use or value-in-place? The terms can be confusing as they relate to internal relevant characteristics, or forces that effect value. Most appraisers will not have many occasions to consider value-in-use or value-in-place. However, having a good understanding of the terms and their respective uses will make it more likely that you will recognize the need for them if the opportunity arises.

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  • Identification vs Authentication Identification vs Authentication Friday, June 26, 2020 in Member Insights

    This article explains what kind of services a personal property appraiser can offer their clients in their appraisal reports, and why it's important to work with a qualified appraiser to identify or authenticate your possessions.

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  • Congratulating ISA’s 2020 Award Winners Congratulating ISA’s 2020 Award Winners Wednesday, June 24, 2020 in News

    Each year members of ISA are recognized for their accomplishments in service to ISA and the personal property appraising profession at the Assets awards luncheon. While this dedicated space and time will be missed this year, what will not be missed is the opportunity to recognize these deserving individuals and chapter. Please join ISA in thanking and congratulating our outstanding 2020 award recipients for their significant contributions and service to you and ISA.

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