Ask an Instructor: Multiple Assignments

Ask an Instructor: Multiple Assignments

Monday, May 22, 2017 in Ask an Instructor

ISA members are invited to send in their questions on all things appraising and education to ISA's instructors. One of ISA's instructors will share answers on the ISA Now Blog. Please send questions to

Question: I have a client who wants me to appraise an artwork for current market value, and I have another client who wants me to appraise the same work for market value. Can I ethically engage in the same appraisal assignment for more than one client?

Answer: The answer is yes, as long as you disclose to both clients prior to the assignment and both parties agree in writing. This is a two-part situation, as the disclosure and the written agreement are equally necessary for the appraiser to proceed ethically with the assignment.

- Meredith Meuwly, ISA Director of Education