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Showing 1–25 of 27 appraisers Show options Show on map
Sue McGovern-Huffman ISA CAPP Certified Private Client Services
Antiquities, Clothing & Accessories, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture
(703) 839-0800 – Washington, DC, United States & Falls Church, VA, United States
John G. Sexton ISA CAPP Certified
Arms & Armor - Firearms, Arms & Armor - Swords, Documents - Autographs, Militaria, Photography - 19th Century
(770) 329-4984 – North Palm Beach, FL, United States
John A. Buxton ISA CAPP Certified
American Indigenous Art, Art - African, Art - Oceanic Ethnic & Tribal, Art - Pre-Columbian, Artifacts & Archeological Items
(972) 239-4620 – Dallas, TX, United States
Brady L. Dreasher ISA CAPP Certified
Antiquities, Art, Carpets & Rugs, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Music - Instruments
(316) 613-9686 – Denver, CO, United States & Omaha, NE, United States & Wichita, KS, United States & St. Louis, MO, United States & Indianapolis, IN, United States & Aspen, CO, United States & Vail, CO, United States & Boulder, CO, United States & Kansas City, MO, United States & Cincinnati, OH, United States & Colorado Springs, CO, United States & Deerfield, IL, United States
Judith S. Anderson ISA CAPP Certified
Jewelry, Jewelry - Antique & Period, Jewelry - Diamonds, Jewelry - Estate, Jewelry - Gemstones
(603) 624-8672 – Manchester, NH, United States
Shelley Corder Matthews ISA CAPP Certified
Art - 15th-18th Century, Art - 19th Century, Art - European, Art - Impressionist & Modern, Paintings - Old Masters
Fort Worth, TX, United States
Richard Holgate ISA AM
(805) 895-5121 – skyforest, CA, United States
Micah Gilbert ISA AM
Fossils, Minerals
(214) 343-0000 – Dallas, TX, United States
Farhad Radfar ISA AM
(312) 814-8510 – Chicago, IL, United States
Robert Snell ISA AM
(612) 440-6985 – St. Paul, MN, United States
Greg C. Brown ISA AM
Art - Asian, Ceramics - Asian, Furniture - Asian, Paintings - Asian, Sculpture - Asian
Port Ludlow/Bainbridge Island, WA, United States
Sharon Berlin ISA AM
(416) 409-5040 – Toronto, ON, Canada
Ninya Lee Greek ISA AM
Alaskan Inuit Art, Antiquities, Art - 15th-18th Century
(619) 929-6192 – San Diego, CA, United States
Lauren K. Stump ISA AM
Drawings, Paintings, Prints, Sculpture, Watercolors
(407) 422-4242 – Orlando, FL, United States
Sarah J Anderson ISA AM
Antiquities, Collectibles, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E)
(904) 325-2868 – St. Augustine, FL, United States
Valerie Bennett ISA AM
Ceramics - Asian, Furniture - Asian, Orientalia, Textiles - Asian
(312) 961-9261 – Chicago, IL, United States
Susan Russell ISA AM
(702) 588-3800 – Las Vegas, NV, United States
Stephen Foo ISA AM
(214) 923-8722 – MCKINNEY, TX, United States
Maura Kropke ISA AM
Primitives, Textiles
(910) 612-7348 – Carolina Beach, NC, United States
Elham Ghorbanpour ISA
Art - Canadian, Auction Company/Gallery, Paintings - 20th Century, Paintings - Old Masters
(416) 878-1442 – Richmond hill, ON, Canada
Bradley Calleja ISA
Art, Collectibles, Jewelry, Memorabilia
Pittsburgh, PA, United States & Cleveland, OH, United States & Youngstown, OH, United States
Rachel L Lovett ISA
Americana, Art - American, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture - American, Sculpture - American
Middleboro, MA, United States
Bradley A Lenz ISA
Matthew W. Hill ISA
Ephemera, Memorabilia - Entertainment, Music - Instruments
(949) 339-7147 – Palm Springs, CA, United States
Tony Zhou ISA
Art - 15th-18th Century, Art - 20th Century, Art - Asian, Art - European, Art - Impressionist & Modern
8615018520580 – Shenzhen, GUANGDONG, China
- ISA CAPP—Certified
- Highest level of education in ISA and the appraisal industry. Meets Accredited Member standards, has completed 900 documented hours of appraisal reporting and has completed the Certified Appraisal of Personal Property examination.
- ISA AM—Accredited
- Satisfies Member level requirements and demonstrates knowledge in their field through education or specialty expert work in that field.
- ISA—Member
- Completed the ISA Core Course in Appraisal Studies, documented three or more years satisfactory market-related experience in their field and is educated in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
- Life Member
- Certified or Accredited member in good standing who has maintained membership for at least 20 consecutive years.
- Private Client Services
- Individuals who have met the qualifications of the ISA Private Client Services program.
Clients should independently confirm the competency of an appraiser in any declared specialty.